Code No.: 101.2
Purpose: To provide goals and objectives of the education program.
Policy: In providing the education program of the Anamosa Community School District, the Board of Directors shall strive to meet its overall goal of providing a learning environment that fosters the development of the functional skills of acquiring, analyzing and disseminating knowledge.
The District has high expectations that students will be able to adapt to and cope with a changing world because they will have attained mastery of basic skills and higher-order thinking skills and will value lifelong learning. Students will possess communication skills and current technical skills needed to acquire, analyze and disseminate knowledge. Attention to developing interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, and an appreciation of gender, racial, religious and cultural differences will better equip students for future success in a global society. Students will be expected to have ownership of their learning by setting personal goals and making decisions that will lead to meeting these goals. The program will address a continuing need to provide cultural opportunities, attend to health concerns, and improve the use of leisure time. Early identification of and programming for at-risk students will be critical.
Financial and facility issues shall continue to be priority concerns if the District is to realize its preferred vision. Finances to support and buildings to house a variety of expanded programs require maximizing the use of resources, both human and fiscal, and necessitate increased public support and confidence in the District.
This preferred future will best be realized in a climate that fosters risk-taking, communication, encourages public involvement and parent participation, and celebrates learning.
Reviewed 11/20/00
Revised 3/18/91
Reviewed 11/7/05
Revised 8/3/09
Reviewed 2/4/13