Code No.: 701.5
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the use of student meal IDs or accounts.
Policy: All students who eat meals provided by the school’s Nutritional Services Department
will use the same student ID number given to them on their first day of school to access their
nutritional services accounts. This number will remain with the student throughout their years at
Anamosa Community School District. A Nutritional Services employee will scan the bar code
account of elementary students as they go through the lunch line. The middle school and high
school students will use a pin pad to enter their ID numbers.
The computerized system will flash a low balance warning when students have enough money in
their accounts for three more meals at the high school and middle school. The cashier will give
the student a verbal reminder that their account is low. Parents receive notification when student
account reaches low balance.
Reviewed 12/20/99
Reviewed 1/17/05
Revised 2/7/05
Revised 4/19/10
Revised 4/4/16