Code No.: 601.4
Policy: The student school day for grades one through twelve, in those districts following a 180
day school calendar, will consist of a minimum of six hours, not including the lunch period. The
school day consists of the schedule of class instruction and class activities as established and
sponsored by the school district. For a 180 day calendar, time during which students are released
from school for parent/teacher conferences may be counted as part of students’ instructional
time. The minimum school day will meet the requirements as established for the operation of
accredited schools.
The board may define the number of days kindergarten will be held and the length of each school
day for the students attending kindergarten. The school day will consist of a schedule as
recommended by the superintendent and approved by the board.
For a 180 day calendar, the school district may also record a day of school with less than the
minimum instructional hours if the total hours of instructional time for grades one through
twelve in any five consecutive school days equals a minimum of thirty hours, even though any
one day of school is less than the minimum instructional hours because of a staff development
opportunity provided for the instructional staff or parent-teacher conferences have been
scheduled beyond the regular school day. If the total hours of instructional time for the first four
consecutive days equal at least thirty hours because parent-teacher conferences have been
scheduled beyond the regular school day, the school district may record zero hours of
instructional time on the fifth consecutive school day as a school day. Schedule revisions and
changes in time allotments will be made by the superintendent.
When the school is forced to close due to weather or other emergencies, the part of the day
during which school was in session will constitute a school day.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to inform the board annually of the length of the
school day.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).
281 I.A.C. 12.1(1), .1(7-10).
Approved 1/16/89
Reviewed 8/21/95
Revised 12/20/99
Reviewed 02/16/04
Reviewed 1/5/09
Revised 2/1/16