September 11, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The USDA extended a waiver to allow School Food Service authorities who participate in the Summer Feeding Program to provide FREE breakfast & lunch to all students in our district and community. This will begin on Monday 9/14/20 and last through 12/31/20 or until funds run out. School Nutrition Directors across the state filled out applications for this waiver. This unprecedented move will help ensure no matter what the situation is at home-children have access to nutritious food.
How does it work:
- All enrolled students and any child age 1-18 can receive one breakfast and one lunch daily.
- Families do not need to complete an application for this waiver. You will however, need to have an application on file for when this waiver expires. You must complete a new free/reduced application each school year.
What is not covered by this waiver:
- Adult or staff meals, this waiver is for children only. Adults/staff may still purchase meals.
- Extra milk-including milk for cold lunch, second entree’, second meal or any ala carte item.
What happens to the balance in my account?
- Students with positive balances can be used for extra milk, ala carte or can remain on the account for future use.
- Negative balances still remain the responsibility of the family.
Continuous Learning Students/Other children ages 1-18
Grab & Go Meals:
Any student or parent may pick up meals on Tuesday & Thursdays at Anamosa High School from 12:30 to 1:00 pm. This pick-up location will be for ALL continuous learning students/other children ages 1-18.
Please SIGN UP HERE. (You do not need to complete the form for any PK-12 grade student currently attending in our buildings. You only need to complete form for Continuous Learning Students or children ages 1-18 not currently attending in the buildings).
Please contact me with any questions. Email:
Tammy Seeley
Nutrition Services Director