Code No.: 702.8
Policy: School district vehicles may be available to local nonprofit entities which promote cultural,
educational, civic, community, or recreational activities for transporting to and from nonschool-sponsored
activities within the state as long as the transportation does not interfere with or disrupt the education
program of the school district and does not interfere with or delay the transportation of students. School
buses may be used by other organizations serving senior citizens other than those indicated above at the
discretion of the Superintendent. The entity shall reimburse the District in the amount of the
driver’s salary, mileage fee and fuel reimbursement. Prior to making the school district transportation
vehicle available to the local entity, the “school bus” signs will be covered and the flashing warning lamps
and the stop arm made inoperable. The entity may be asked for proof of insurance.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations for use of school
district transportation vehicles to transport students and others to school-sponsored events within the
state and for application for, use of, and payment for using the school district transportation vehicles by
local entities for a nonschool-sponsored activity.
School buses may also be used for evacuation purposes at the request of appropriate Emergency
Management Agencies.
Revised 2/15/99
Reviewed 12/20/99
Reviewed 1/17/05
Revised 2/7/05
Revised 4/19/10
Revised 4/4/16