Code No.: 202.3
Purpose: To provide for the appointment and outline the duties of the Board Secretary.
Policy: The Board shall appoint a Secretary. The individual shall not be a teacher employed by the Board but may be another employee of the District. He/she shall qualify within 10 days following appointment. The Secretary of the Board shall:
(1) Receive and file names of persons nominated for office in the District; and cooperate with the County Auditor in arranging for District elections.
(2) Countersign warrants for claims allowed by the Board.
(3) Keep an accurate written record of all business transacted by the Board.
(4) Secure the audio and written records of Closed Sessions as per law.
Legal Reference: (Code of Iowa, Sections 279.3; 279.30; 291.2; 291.6-291.11; 298.22)
Approved __________
Revised 2/20/95
Reviewed 2/19/0l
Revised 11/21/05
Revised 6/18/07
Revised 8/3/09