Code No.: 808.1
Purpose: To outline the payroll periods for certified and classified staff.
Policy: The Board shall provide that all certified personnel, managers, clerical, and
paraeducators of the District be paid on the 18th day of each month. When a payday falls on or
during holidays or weekends, certified personnel shall receive their paychecks on the last prior
working day.
Drivers, custodians, food service employees and child care employees shall be paid every other
Friday. When Friday payday falls on a holiday, the employees shall be paid the last prior
working day.
The above policy is subject to review and revision through the collective bargaining process
where one exists.
Revised 11/18/96
Reviewed 1/17/00
Revised 1/3/06
Revised 6/20/11
Revised 5/2/16