Code No.: 507.3
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the granting of student honors and awards by the District.
Policy: Any regularly enrolled student may be considered for honors or awards granted by the
District. Qualifications for such awards shall be established or approved by certified personnel
who have been delegated the responsibility by the Superintendent or the Principal.
Students shall be informed of the established minimum eligibility standards for all awards and
honors and the procedures by which recipients are chosen by certified personnel. Dual enrolled
students or home-school assisted program students must meet the minimum district “residency”
requirement one year of full time enrollment in the school) before being eligible for class rank
honors, NHS, and other academic honors bestowed on students at the high school.
Reviewed 2/21/00
Reviewed 4/07/03
Revised 4/21/03
Reviewed 7/7/08
Revised 9/21/15