Code No.: 410.6
Purpose: To ensure evaluation of classified personnel in a consistent and timely manner.
Policy: Evaluation of classified employees on their skills, abilities, and competence is an ongoing process supervised by the superintendent. The goal of the formal evaluation of classified employees is to maintain classified employees who meet or exceed the board’s standards of performance, to clarify each classified employee’s role, to ascertain the areas in need of improvement, to clarify the immediate
priorities of the board, and to develop a working relationship between the administrators and other employees.
The classified employee shall be evaluated as having met or exceeded the District standard for each classified position they work. If there is a need for improvement, a clear plan for demonstrated growth shall be developed.
Food Service
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It is the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure classified employees are formally evaluated annually. New and probationary classified employees are also formally evaluated at the end of their 90 day probation period.
The requirements stated in the Master Contract between employees in the Secretary/Paraeducator collective bargaining unit and the board regarding employee evaluation will be followed.
Reviewed 7/26/99
Revised 11/20/00
Reviewed 12/19/02
Reviewed 1/5/09
Reviewed 10/3/11
Revised 5/2/16