Anamosa Community School District

Regular Meeting

June 6, 2011



The Anamosa Board of Education met in regular session on June 6, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the high school library with President Tiedt presiding.  Members present:  Kilburg, McKean, Crump, Darrow and Riniker.

Director Sellnau was absent.


Motion by Crump, seconded by McKean to adopt the agenda, as printed.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Riniker, seconded by Darrow to approve the consent agenda(personnel appointments/

adjustments), as sumitted. Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Crump to approve a change order dated 6/2/11 to L. L. Pelling Co. for

a one time re-mobilization fee in the amount of $10,230.  This expense is being incurred so that trucks

hauling rock to the Middle School building site can finish with that phase of the project before the city

starts pavement repairs on Cherry Street and Old Dubuque Road.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by McKean, seconded by Riniker to approve the second reading of Board policy #804.5 – GASB

54.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Riniker to provide 90 days notice that we will be ending the 28-E Agree-

ment to operate Kids Quest in Monticello.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Riniker to approve salary recommendations for Central Office secretaries, housekeeping/maintenance, food service, bus drivers and bus mechanic and principals,

for 2011-12, as presented.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Riniker to have only one regular meeting in July.  It will be held on July

18, 2011.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by McKean to approve an agreement for the Pearson Power School Student Information System with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2011-12.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Crump to approve the Substitute Employee Management System

agreement between Grant Wood AEA and the Anamosa Community School District for the 2011-12

school year.  Motion carried 5-0 with Director McKean abstaining.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by McKean to approve the Fiscal Agent Agreement with Jones County Early Childhood Iowa/DECAT/CPPC Board for July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011, as presented.  Motion carried 5-0 with Director Kilburg abstaining.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Riniker to approve a SAI Administrator Mentoring and Induction Program, as required by Iowa Administrative Code #83.10(284A), for 2011-12.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Riniker, seconded by Crump to table the IASB membership renewal until the next meeting

(6/20/11).  Motion Carried 6-0.

Motion by Riniker, seconded by McKean to approve renewal of the Iowa School Finance Information

Services agreement for 2011-12, at a cost of $2,122.77.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Kilburg to adjourn at 7:44 p.m.  Motion carried 6-0.









