Anamosa Community School District

Regular Meeting

June 20, 2011




The Anamosa Board of Education met in regular session on June 20, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., in the high school library with President Tiedt presiding.  Members present:  Kilburg, McKean, Crump, Darrow

and Riniker.  Director Sellnau was absent.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Riniker to adopt the agenda, as printed.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by McKean to approve the consent agenda(minutes dated 5/16, 5/23,

5/26 and 6/6, claims, financial reports and personnel appointments/adjustments), as submitted.

Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Darrow to table the IASB membership decision at this time.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by McKean, seconded by Darrow to approve WP06A-carpentry, metal studs, gypsum board, insulation, doors, specialties & miscellaneous labor submitted by Garling Construction, Inc., Belle

Plaine – change order No. 00002 for WP08B-overhead coiling doors, sectional doors and dock equip-

ment in the amount of $55,606.  This change order will be funded with the budgeted $55,000 for

WP08B with the remaining $606 being taken from WP01D-contingency fund.  The line item on the

continuation sheet for WP08B will be deleted and the funds added to WP06A.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Crump to approve WP03A-building concrete, KE Flatwork , Inc.,

Eldridge, change order No. 00001, structural revisions – foundations in the amount of $15,710.

Change order will be funded with WP01D-contingency funds.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by Crump to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance

and providing for and securing the payment of $2,000,000 Taxable School Infrastructure Sales,

Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds(Qualified School Construction Bonds), Series 2011C, to

Farmers State Bank, Waterloo, Iowa.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by McKean to approve a Tax Certificate for Farmers State Bank, Waterloo.

Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Riniker, seconded by Kilburg to approve the first reading of the attached board policies.

Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Darrow to approve facilities use agreement between the Anamosa Community School District and Lutheran Services in Iowa effective  July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Kilburg, seconded by Riniker to approve a request for members of the Maintenance/House-

keeping staff to attend a  ISBGA Conference in Johnston on July 13th and 14th.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Darrow, seconded by McKean to approve the change of cell phone carrier from U.S. Cellular to Sprint.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Darrow to approve sending all donations/gate admissions from the

June 20th softball game with Mt. Vernon to the Gary Stamp Benefit Fund.  Motion carried 6-0.


Motion by Crump, seconded by Riniker to adjourn at 8:34 p.m.  Motion carried 6-0.









